The Fulfillment Series

The Fulfillment Series

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Hey! Hey! I'm back!

Wowsa-Rhew, people! It's been a cray-zee, cray-zee time in Rhewville! First, Deek and I are on a whirlwind tour for our books! But in the midst of all that, we got sick. Really sick. I must admit I'm a little peeved over the illnesses because it's March and April. Aren't people supposed to be done with the yuckies of winter by then? Apparently not. And I had the pleasure of getting hit twice--once with the coughing attack from the pits of Hades and again with a raging sinus infection. Lucky me! LOL!

Here's my OMG-I-feel-like-poo-on-a-stick-with-a-high-fever

On a funny note: You may want to read my blog tour posts because who knows what they say! LOL! I wrote several of them with really high fevers. When Deek was proofreading one, he said, "I know you must be REALLY sick because you used the wrong your/you're, and you never do that." So, follow along and see how many mistakes I made while I was delirious and hacking up a lung.  ;)~

The Rhew 2 Rhew Tour has been a smashing success! Deek and I are all over the internet, and people are talking about the Rhew name. We're TOTALLY stoked! 

You can follow along with us on Twitter, Facebook, and Google +!

Did I mention you can enter for your chance to win a $50 Amazon gift card?!?! If not, here's your notice. LOL! 

Also, we've seen CRAZY good traffic on the Rhewination site! We've had people signing up left and right, and each person who signs up gets a special message from our beloved Trinity (aka: Trinna), the leader of Rhewination! If you're a Rhewvian, expect a new message from Trinna soon! She *may* have had a recent scuff up with a neighborhood cat who darted in the house. But don't worry, she prevailed like the true leader she is. Boom! Take that neighborhood cat! 

As part of the Rhew 2 Rhew Tour, Deek and I had a signing at a local store. We hoped for a good turnout, but we got an AMAZING turnout! Thank you to the awesome people in this town for supporting local authors! We had the best time and can't wait to do another siing!!

Here we are all set up! 

Aaaannnndddd, we're goofing off. Hey, it's what we do! ;) 

In preparation for our upcoming move, Deek and I are transitioning all physical photos into digital ones. It's a huge undertaking, but it will keep us from having to haul boxes and boxes of old photos around in a moving van. It's much more convenient to carry them on the cloud instead. Here are a few oldies but goodies we've discovered: 

Deek and I both have twins in our family: his father and my grandmother

Deek's Dad and Uncle Gene/Larry.
You'll discover everyone in his family has more than one name. 
Deek has like 5 different names! LOL!

My grandmother and her twin sister

Now prepare for some hilarity. Here's Deek and me when we were younger:

I called this my Audrey Hepburn look.

One of my most fav pics from college. It snowed 21 inches, which is a lot in the South! ;) 

Deek looks very dashing with a goatie, and his outfit say "boy band." LOL!
Here's Deek at his college graduation! I love that man's smile! :)

And now of course, some fun behind-the-scenes pics of Deek and me. I think most of these are never-seen-before shots. Although, now that I look at them, they could be audition shots for a Jim Carrey movie! LOL! 

Our new digital software puts together collages and animations. Here's a collage.

Halloween. I swear... LOL!

One of the animations!


Pizza. Boom. You know it. 

Life imitating art or art imitating life? You decide. 

You see some really weird things on the public transportation...

Another animation! LOL! 

We are getting a little fan action in between talking to guests because it was 93 and humid on our Southern wedding day. Whew! 

Coming up in Rhewville: The completion of my historical fiction novel, the completion of 122 Redemption (sequel to Deek's 122 Rules), some amazing trips to places like the Redwoods and Mt. St. Helen's, and a cross-country move. So stay tuned for more of Deek and Erin's zany adventures!

Until next time, stay well! Hugs!


  1. You two make a very nice couple, surely true love abounds in your photos.
    hope you feel better
