So, Danielle's amazing crest have been seen randomly all over the place, but I wanted to be sure to show them all at once in one place. ALSO...the final crest that I will release for The Prophecy(the 5th crest will be revealed with the sequel The Outlanders), the Volton crest, will be revealed on Friday, November 8!! So stayed tuned for that! :)

THE VANGUARDSThe Vanguards are endowed with supernatural strength. They have been at war for centuries with the Ethereals. Their country is separated from Etherea by the River Lars.
Rex-- King of Vanguard
Montessa-- Queen of Vanguard
Vance-- Prince of Vanguard
Layla Givens--Vanguard Citizen
Samson Mantar-- Layla's friend and adoptive brother
Grant Mantar-- Vanguard soldier and Layla's adoptive brother
Lia Mantar-- Layla's adoptive mother

The Ethereals possess the ability to alter minds. They can project images and remove memories. They have been at war for centuries with the Vanguards. Their country is separated from Vanguard by the River Lars.
Jesper-- King of Etherea
Sansolena-- Queen of Etherea
Wilhelm "Wil"-- Prince of Etherea
Vespa-- Princess of Etherea

A group of religious men who dedicate their lives to the First Ones--those who came before, those who made them all--and to the fulfillment of an ancient peace prophecy left by the First Ones. They are a neutral party, serving Etherea, Vanguard, and the Outlands without prejudice. They live in the Borderlands and have a contentious relationship with their neighbors, the Voltons.
Elder Werrick-- Leader of the Ecclesiastics
A group of religious men who dedicate their lives to the First Ones--those who came before, those who made them all--and to the fulfillment of an ancient peace prophecy left by the First Ones. They are a neutral party, serving Etherea, Vanguard, and the Outlands without prejudice. They live in the Borderlands and have a contentious relationship with their neighbors, the Voltons.
Elder Werrick-- Leader of the Ecclesiastics
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