Today is Blog Tour Day. This blog tour is where writers and authors answer questions about their writing process. My friend Brad Johnson posted his last week. You can check out his writing process here: Story Juggler
If you dare to enter the mind of Erin Albert (insert evil laughter), proceed with caution! ;)
What am I working on?
I am always working on multiple projects. Currently, I am revising the sequel, The Outlanders, to my young adult fantasy debut novel, The Prophecy(which releases November 15). I also have a futuristic thriller called Number 25598, a middle grade fiction in the vein of Judy Blume called Met Kit: An American Boy, and another young adult fantasy novel without a title, all in progress.
How does my work differ from others of its genre?
I try to take traditional young adult plot themes and turn them on their heads. In addition, I seek to inspire teens to think outside the box, to be different and unique.
Why do I write what I do?
I write young adult books because I LOVE young adult books. My friend and Dream Team member Danielle Craver (she created all the crest for The Prophecy) got me hooked on the YA genre, and I’ve read that almost exclusively ever since. Epic high fantasy appeals to me because I’ve always loved Arthurian legend. When George R.R. Martin combined that time period with fantastical elements, my mind sprung to life. Reading fantasy allows a person to fully immerse in a totally different world, escaping this one completely. Who doesn’t need a good escape every now and then?
How does your writing process work?
I am a total pantser, which means I do not plan a thing. I have a rough idea of how I want the story to start and how I want it to end, but I let the characters take over for the middle. Sometimes that gets me in some logic trouble, but I’m fortunate enough to have my Dream Team and critique partners to catch those little snafus.
The demands on my life and time afford me a very short window to get my writing done, usually between 3pm-5pm. I have ADD, so I always have to drink something caffeinated to help me focus. Also, a little container of chocolate is a creative must. I seek to write a chapter a day (my Dream Team member and timekeeper, Kim Sharp, requires a new chapter to read each night which keeps me on task).
The creative portion of my work takes me very little time. I wrote the entire Fulfillment Trilogy in 3 months. But I am also an anal grammar freak, so editing the work takes me MUCH longer. It’s a painstaking process.
So, to recap: Afternoon writing time with chocolate and caffeine, 1 chapter a day, and edit, edit, edit!
Thanks for stopping by and reading my post!! You can check out the writing processes of my critique partners Jay Scott and Meradeth Houston as well as my editor Katie Carroll next Monday, October 28!
Jay Scott--Jay is a pre-pubbed author from a rainy pocket in the Pacific Northwest where the grey weather permits lots of time for reflection and writing. His debut thrill novel, 122 Rules, explores the dark side of a man living outside of society who has sacrificed all for the greater good of God and Country only to find out he isn't working for who he thought.
Meradeth Houston—Meradeth is the author of COLORS LIKE MEMORIES, and THE CHEMISTRY OF FATE. In the real world she does her best to teach students about the awesomeness that is anthropology. She also sequences dead people's DNA (for fun!).
Katie Carroll-- Katie L. Carroll began writing at a very sad time in her life after her 16-year-old sister, Kylene, unexpectedly passed away. Since then writing has taken her to many wonderful places, real and imagined. She wrote Elixir Bound and the forthcomingElixir Saved so Kylene could live on in the pages of a book. Katie is also the author of the picture app The Bedtime Knight and an editor for MuseItUp Publishing. She lives not too far from the beach in a small Connecticut city with her husband and son.
If you dare to enter the mind of Erin Albert (insert evil laughter), proceed with caution! ;)
What am I working on?
I am always working on multiple projects. Currently, I am revising the sequel, The Outlanders, to my young adult fantasy debut novel, The Prophecy(which releases November 15). I also have a futuristic thriller called Number 25598, a middle grade fiction in the vein of Judy Blume called Met Kit: An American Boy, and another young adult fantasy novel without a title, all in progress.
How does my work differ from others of its genre?
I try to take traditional young adult plot themes and turn them on their heads. In addition, I seek to inspire teens to think outside the box, to be different and unique.
Why do I write what I do?
I write young adult books because I LOVE young adult books. My friend and Dream Team member Danielle Craver (she created all the crest for The Prophecy) got me hooked on the YA genre, and I’ve read that almost exclusively ever since. Epic high fantasy appeals to me because I’ve always loved Arthurian legend. When George R.R. Martin combined that time period with fantastical elements, my mind sprung to life. Reading fantasy allows a person to fully immerse in a totally different world, escaping this one completely. Who doesn’t need a good escape every now and then?
How does your writing process work?
I am a total pantser, which means I do not plan a thing. I have a rough idea of how I want the story to start and how I want it to end, but I let the characters take over for the middle. Sometimes that gets me in some logic trouble, but I’m fortunate enough to have my Dream Team and critique partners to catch those little snafus.
The demands on my life and time afford me a very short window to get my writing done, usually between 3pm-5pm. I have ADD, so I always have to drink something caffeinated to help me focus. Also, a little container of chocolate is a creative must. I seek to write a chapter a day (my Dream Team member and timekeeper, Kim Sharp, requires a new chapter to read each night which keeps me on task).
The creative portion of my work takes me very little time. I wrote the entire Fulfillment Trilogy in 3 months. But I am also an anal grammar freak, so editing the work takes me MUCH longer. It’s a painstaking process.
So, to recap: Afternoon writing time with chocolate and caffeine, 1 chapter a day, and edit, edit, edit!
Thanks for stopping by and reading my post!! You can check out the writing processes of my critique partners Jay Scott and Meradeth Houston as well as my editor Katie Carroll next Monday, October 28!
Jay Scott--Jay is a pre-pubbed author from a rainy pocket in the Pacific Northwest where the grey weather permits lots of time for reflection and writing. His debut thrill novel, 122 Rules, explores the dark side of a man living outside of society who has sacrificed all for the greater good of God and Country only to find out he isn't working for who he thought.
Meradeth Houston—Meradeth is the author of COLORS LIKE MEMORIES, and THE CHEMISTRY OF FATE. In the real world she does her best to teach students about the awesomeness that is anthropology. She also sequences dead people's DNA (for fun!).
Katie Carroll-- Katie L. Carroll began writing at a very sad time in her life after her 16-year-old sister, Kylene, unexpectedly passed away. Since then writing has taken her to many wonderful places, real and imagined. She wrote Elixir Bound and the forthcomingElixir Saved so Kylene could live on in the pages of a book. Katie is also the author of the picture app The Bedtime Knight and an editor for MuseItUp Publishing. She lives not too far from the beach in a small Connecticut city with her husband and son.
Emma Adams
10/21/2013 5:24am
Wow, you're working on a lot of projects! (not that I'm one to talk :P) I love YA fantasy for the same reasons you do - it's always fun to turn traditional themes on their head! And I'm looking forward to reading The Prophecy. :)
10/21/2013 7:22am
Love all your awesome projects you have going!! And definitely a little chocolate helps the writing go along :)
10/21/2013 2:06pm
I'm working on more than one project at any given time too. Sometimes I have to listen closely to who's talking in my head to know what book I'm supposed to work the scene into. :)
I'm a pantser too. I do very little planning before I start work. And I don't write from point A to point B. I'm all over the place. Sometimes I write the ending first, like with one project I'm working on now. The ending is written...now i just need a good middle and a great first sentence. I may have to get Meradeth to help me with a killer first sentence since I've been agonizing over it for weeks. :)
I'm a pantser too. I do very little planning before I start work. And I don't write from point A to point B. I'm all over the place. Sometimes I write the ending first, like with one project I'm working on now. The ending is written...now i just need a good middle and a great first sentence. I may have to get Meradeth to help me with a killer first sentence since I've been agonizing over it for weeks. :)
02/13/2014 3:08am
What a roller coaster type of day you must have, yet get that chapter done! Fantastic!
03/14/2014 3:09pm
Thanks for sharing Erin. I've just written my first novel and in the editing process.
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