Here are some pics from our adventure!
Big grins! I love this man!
I feel like this when I see self-conscious, non-snarky Percy in the movie...
He's sneaking a kiss from the birthday girl!
I LOVE the movie Tombstone, so I was psyched to see Huckleberry salt water taffy! LOL!
We decided to have dinner at the Pign 'N Pancake. I've not had pancakes in YEARS (yes, years). They were so yummy!!
Both Deek and I wanted to give this surrey ride a try! So fun, and good exercise (which we needed after the Pig 'N Pancake-LOL)
Gorgeous view along our surrey ride!
Every day, I think it's not possible to adore this man any more than I do, yet every day, I manage to fall a little more in love. How does that happen?
More time on the beach beside this handsome man. <swoon>
For my actual birthday, I had a cold. Boo! But it was the perfect excuse to lie around all day. I ended up watching two movies--Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters and The Other Woman. I chose Percy because...Percy. And I chose The Other Woman because it starred Jaime Lannister from Game of Thrones. I wanted to see him in a different role.
Percy rant: I adore Percy Jackson in the books. But Percy in the movies seriously lacks the snark I grew to love in the books. He's all angsty and uncertain. BUT I'm glad this time Annabeth had blonde hair. I'll keep trying to forgive the za-za-zing blue eyes (she really has pretty eyes though) when they should be grey (how many times did Riordan mention that??).

And just because I can't resist a chance to plug my favorite's Jaime Lannister. Game of Thrones foreva, baby!!

While I was sick on my birthday, my husband came home for lunch and brought me Panda Express, which I love! And then for dinner, he brought me pizza and Reese's. It was the perfect food day for me. I felt so loved! Deek is da best!
The title of this post mentions a giveaway...I didn't forget! ;) You have TWO chances to win a copy of The Prophecy--one on Amazon and one on Goodreads. Here are the links! Good luck!
Amazon: NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Ends the earlier of April 29, or when all prizes are claimed. See Official Rules
Have an amazing weekend!! Deek and I will be enjoying even more birthday celebrations-- I like to milk it for all it's worth. Hahaha!
Happy birthday to the love of my life! I SO enjoyed celebrating your special day, it is the day the world was blessed and made a billion times better by having you in it. I totally dug the weekend we got away from it all-amazeballs company, super fun time, good food. I'm glad you feel loved, because you so are. I fall in love with you over and over and over ever day! :-)