The Fulfillment Series

The Fulfillment Series

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The Racin' Rhews and The Superbowl

So, it's that time of  year again...crud season. Ugh! Is it spring yet? LOL! Sadly, I've caught some version of the crud. It started out with congestion and a very sore throat, but now coughing has added itself to the fray. I think the coughing is my least favorite part as I haven't slept a full night in two days. Eep! I've got friends with pneumonia and others whose kids have had the flu. I suppose it's that time of year, but I'd really love to skip it.

But alas...when I am sick, Deek takes excellent care of me! I'm a super lucky lady. He wakes up with me in the middle of the night and rubs my back while I hack up a lung. He makes sure I have all the "I'm sick and want junk" treats. He rubs my hair while I lay my head in his lap when we watch Bones. It's the best care a girl could ask for in such a situation.

Despite my illness, I'm still doing my work for BookFish Books and still training my workout clients on the side. That IS a benefit of working from home. LOL! Here is a picture of me in one of Deek's sweatshirts, right before a training session.

I like wearing his clothes (I like wearing them all the time, but especially when I'm sick).

I don't think I told you before, but Deek has been training for his first ever 5k race. He's been running for a long time, but he's never been in an actual race. So, this weekend, he participated in his first one! GO DEEK!!! Even though I could hardly breathe from congestion, I wanted to cheer him on along the way and cross the finish line by his side. Despite the really hilly conditions (I'm not sure we ever went downhill--how is that even possible?) and mulch track (for those that don't know, running in mulch is akin to running in quicksand), we had a blast! 

Pre-race! We are ready to run!

We finished! He did it! GO DEEK!

That night, we took a drive out to Portland to have dinner with Deek's old workout partner and her boyfriend at a vegan restaurant. The food was yummy, and the company was even better. I love spending time with friends! 

The next day was Sunday, but not just any Sunday...Superbowl Sunday! I warned the friends we'd invited over to watch the big game that I had a cold (in case they didn't want to risk exposure), but they still chose to come. I'm feeling loved! :)

My bestie and soul sister, Dawn, is an image consultant. She's told me time and time again that I have the perfect body type for a 1950s or 60s gal. She said I should look for dresses with tight waists that flair out at the bottom (thank you upside-down funnel shaped body). Well, while I was out one day, I found a dress that fit her parameters (I also applied these parameters to my wedding dress). I honestly didn't know what to expect, but when I slipped it on in the dressing room, I fell head over heels. I may buy several copies of that dress and just wear it all the time--LOL!! I can make it very Southern, or I can put on my goth boots and make it very Pacific Northwest. It's got versatility! ;) 

How does this relate to the Superbowl, you might wonder. Well, I wore it at our Superbowl party! ;) Per our usual, Deek and I indulged in some pre-game selfies...

The dress! Shazam...ain't it cute??

Because we're happy... clap along if you know what happiness is to you

Accidentally took a pic of myself while adjusting the camera, but I dug it. ;) 

Then I had to try it again on purpose. ;) 

Our classic "come hither" looks. Haha! (Have I mentioned I have dreams of being on America's Next Top Model??)

Thanks to the awesomeness of Netflix, Deek and I are working our way through Bones. I'd had already seen most seasons and so had Deek's parents. We talked about the characters and episodes so much that Deek decided he needed to watch and get in on the action. We're about halfway through Season 5 and lovin' the show and the discussions it sparks for us. In the later evenings this weekend, as I lay in bed hacking, we've had a Bones-a-thon and watched a few episodes at a time. Our little writing assistant and buddy, Trinity, decided to join in...

Is she adorbs or what?

Here's hoping you stay well out there in Readerland! Hugs and happy week!!

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