I remembered how much fun I used to have doing the 12 Random Facts game, so I put a call out on Twitter to see if anyone wanted to play. Guess what? People did! And today, I have the pleasure of presenting you with Kayla DeGroote's 12 Random Facts!!
Before we get to the facts, let me tell you a little about Kayla! She's an awesome Twitter buddy of mine who runs a book blog called A Wonderland of Reading! You can find her on Twitter @KaylaIChooseYou, and you can find her blogging pal, Stacie, @shybooknerd.

Now, on to the facts!! I present Kayla DeGroote!
1. I am a hardcore Pokemon fan. Not even kidding you right
now. I've loved it since I was a kid and it has been in my life for as long as
I can remember. I've got plushies, cards, shirts, pillow cases, bed
sheets/blankets, video games, movies, even a Pikachu backpack. My favorite
Pokemon are the eeveelutions but Pokemon in general is like my life right
alongside books.
2. I am a feminist. That doesn't mean I hate men or
anything, I just believe that because I am a woman that I should have the exact
same rights as a man. I should be treated with the exact same respect as a man
would be treated.
3. I'm agnostic. That being said I do find religion, all
religion, to be quite interesting. Just their belief systems and how all these
different religions choose to worship. They're all different but yet in many
ways they are the same and I love that about religion. I just don't like when
people use religion to excuse their bigotry.
4. I have over 500 books all in my own personal library
(almost) all the way shelved. I have this little room that goes off the living
room in my house that has floor to ceiling shelves built into the walls.
There's also a built in old time-y desk. I spend about 99% of my time at home
in that library.
5. I am probably one of the most awkward nerdy girls you
will ever meet. It's actually a little sad how socially awkward, and just
awkward in general, I am.
6. I am a die hard chocoholic and I am not ashamed. When it
comes Halloween I buy all the on sale candy I can get and just pig out. I have
no regrets.
7. Dr. Pepper is to me what coffee is to others. I love it
and drink more than I probably should, it's honestly one of the only things I
drink. It is like the best thing ever.
8. I am a book hoarder. I need to get rid of my books
because I'm running out of room and I can't afford my book habit but I just
can't part with any of my books and if I do, I almost immediately go out and
buy like 2x the amount I just got rid of. I wouldn't be surprised if my cause
of death was being crushed because a mountain of books fell on me.
9. I'm not a huge fan of the classics. I've tried to read
several like Wuthering Heights, Pride & Prejudice, Lord of the Flies, Jane
Eyre, To Kill a Mockingbird, etc and just could not get into any of them. The
original Alice and Edgar Allen Poe, so far, are the only "classics"
that I read and enjoy.
10. I don't watch a lot of TV and the TV I do watch, I go
all out with. I love crime shows like Criminal Minds, NCIS, CSI, and Law &
Order: SVU. I watch marathon after marathon of them, a lot of the time repeat
episodes, and never get bored or tired of it.
11. I judge books by their cover and title. I know everyone
always says not to do that but I do. When I go to the bookstore or even just
browse online I always look for eye catching titles and covers. If a book
doesn't have one or the other (or both) then I don't even spare it a second
glance to look at the synopsis. So the key to my heart is a gorgeous cover and
an eye catching title. Even if I don't end up liking to book, if I like it well
enough I still keep it on my shelf just for the prettiness. Ridiculous I know.
12. I am a history buff. I love learning about history, more
specifically the dark and gruesome history as well as the 20th century.
Sometimes when I'm bored I'll go online and look up facts or videos about
random facts about things like the Holocaust, the 20s, the world wars. I
especially like to look out for when the History Channel does documentaries or
specials about certain subjects or periods of time. History is such a
fascinating thing and I can never get enough of it!
Such great facts! Thanks for sharing Kayla!! Stay tuned next week for Maura's (Army Wife) 12 Random Facts!
Great facts! I really want to see your in-house library :) Sounds like a great space, and I'm totally jealous!
ReplyDeleteRight? That's all kindsa cool!