Today, I have the lovely Judith Perez from The Cozi Corner Book Blog playing the 12 Random Facts game with me! Judith is a reader of all things, and I just love that about her. We can usually be found on Twitter talking books! ;) She's agreed to share some fun facts about herself with all of us today. I can totally relate to #11 (short girls unite), but Deek will be sad to hear about #4! ;) Take it away, Judith!
12 Random Facts--Judith Perez
1) I love Dinosaurs! Always have, always will. I thought about
becoming a paleontologist for a long time, and I even have a stegosaurus shaped
birthmark on my right ankle!
2) I love learning new languages and scripts. I am fluent in
Spanish and English, Intermediate in Japanese and French, and beginner in
Korean and Arabic. I also am in the process of learning Braille and the
Deafblind Manual Alphabet.
3) I am horrible at keeping fish alive. Every pet fish I have
bought or won has died within a day. I once bought one at the pet shop all
ready to go, got home, put it down and went to use the restroom and when I came
back it was dead! Needless to say, I have given up on the idea of having fish
as pets.
4) I watched the movie IT by Stephen King when I was very young
and developed a strong phobia of clowns until the age of 17. My Psychology
teacher helped me get over it. I am no longer afraid of clowns but I have been
forever weary of picking up a King novel.
5) I love and appreciate all genres when it comes to reading.
You will find everything from classics to erotica on my shelf. I am a firm
believer that all books have something to offer and am proud to stand up for
reading diversely and widely.
6) I have never been one to care much about grammar and
spelling. Coming from a linguistic background, I look at language as a tool for
communicating. If you get the message across, it doesn’t matter to me if you
write "You’re" or "You Are."
7) For a long time, I was obsessed with nail polish and nail art
and managed to accumulate about 150 different nail polishes. The cool thing is
many of my friends picked me up nail polishes when they traveled, so I now have
some from Saudi Arabia, Japan, Korea, Germany, and France.
8) I cry. A lot. Movies and books make me sob all the time. My
friends and family poke fun at me all the time for getting so emotionally
invested in “fictional” characters!
9) I am a terrible artist when it comes to drawing and painting, but I am fairly good at crafts. One of my favorites is making bookmarks. I own
about 60+ bookmarks and only 15 are not handmade by me. It is a really relaxing
and fun hobby.
10) My name was originally supposed to be Edith. But there was
some sort of mix-up at the hospital, and I ended up with Judith instead. I am
really glad because I love the name Judith so much more!
11) I am only 5’2 and, even though I normally don’t mind my
height, it sometimes gets hard working at a hardware store. So many things are
out of my reach, and I get comments all the time about how “cute” it is when I
have to reach up on tip toes to grab stuff.
12) I have a strong dislike for both pickles and watermelons. I
can smell them a mile away and always have to walk away. If one of those two
have touched my food I won’t be able to
eat it!
Be sure to check Judith out on her blog and on Twitter!!
The lovely Judith!

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