Victoria Scott, author Dante Walker trilogy and Fire & Flood Series, is re-releasing her dark YA short story, Four Houses. To celebrate, she's revealing her new cover AND doing a Rafflecopter giveaway--WOOT! The story will be available July 22. It will be an extended version of the original, so if you've already read it, read it again! ;)
Here is the delicious new cover! Don't forget to enter the Rafflecoper drawing to win a copy of Four Houses and A Jewel!!
Here is the delicious new cover! Don't forget to enter the Rafflecoper drawing to win a copy of Four Houses and A Jewel!!
Rafflecopter Drawing
About Victoria Scott

Victoria Scott is a teen fiction writer represented by Sara Crowe of the Harvey-Klinger Literary Agency. She’s the author of the FIRE & FLOOD series published by Scholastic, and the DANTE WALKER trilogy published by Entangled Teen. Her books have been bought and translated in eleven foreign markets including the UK, Turkey, China, Poland, Israel, Germany, Australia, Brazil, Taiwan, New Zealand, and the Netherlands.
Victoria lives in Dallas with her husband and hearts cotton candy something fierce.
Victoria lives in Dallas with her husband and hearts cotton candy something fierce.